“I enjoy your company. Will you go out with me?”
It was my very first admission. After that, ” “My apologies. I already have a crush on someone. But please accept my sincere apologies.”
It was my first time being turned down. The sting was not insignificant.
However, I had anticipated this outcome. Actually, I suppose I should have expected that.
“I get what you mean. Okay. But I have a feeling we’ll cross paths again in this manner.”
As we parted ways, he stared at me with a weird inclination of the head.
On our daily commute, I enjoyed watching him.
He had a strong exterior but a gentle demeanor. He was also tall and in good shape. It’s a bit of a dreamboat.
(However, this was only his outer appearance.) I was aware of his genuine nature since I had witnessed it.)
For a long time, I’d been secretly photographing him. I was aware that he had been groped by a woman.
(Despite the fact that he had not resisted when she touched him.)
Yes, it happens on occasion, but women grope males on trains. But it was the reaction of the boy I like that startled me. He calmly tolerated her, despite the fact that his countenance indicated he wasn’t having fun… yep, that’s absolutely his kind.
Everything was clear to me. In reality, I could sympathize with both sides.
It was now time to follow in the footsteps of another woman.
(Because he turned me down.)